Rant Viewer

Title: Dreams and people
Author: Strelly
On: 2022-07-16 16:48:30
Last update: 2022-08-21 14:43:10
Sometimes I wish people would tell me to just go for it and focus entirely on my game.

I don't mean anyone of course, I mean people close to me in my life.

I know it's something that shouldn't be necessary, that I should just do it because it's what I want to do.
But I feel like that's easy to say, and I can't help feeling like they don't really believe in what I do, or they don't care.
Which is fine, they don't have to care for what I do, but it ends up being quite demotivating.

I honestly wish someone would just tell me to go for it, to live and make my dream come true. I wish someone would believe in me and care about what I do.

A bit selfish perhaps, could also be an excuse for myself, I'm not sure.
But in the end, I'm a social creature, and I guess I feel the need for social support from time to time.
Maybe it will go away.

Thanks a lot for reading.
Much love.
